Diana Dudoit Raiche, PhD


Associate Professor Emerita of Theology

Email: ddraiche@51jiyangshi.com

Office Hours: By Appointment

Diana Dudoit Raiche, PhD, shares her expertise in catechesis with ministry students, propelling them to pass on the faith through teaching youth, young adults and adult communities across the nation. Her interests are Liturgical Catechesis and Catholic Identity

PhD, Religious Education/Catechesis, The Catholic University of America, Washington
M.A., Practical Theology, University of San Diego
B.S., Secondary Education, McNeese State University

NSOM 5360 Liturgy & Sacraments
NSOM 6099 Annotated Bibliography
NSOM 6312 Moral Theology
NSOM 6314 Church History
NSOM 6336 Catechetics & Development
NSOM 6370 Ministry in the Church
PAS 3360 Foundations of Catechetical Ministry
THE 2311 Western Theological Traditions

“Priest as Catechetical Leader,” Seminary Journal, (Submitted for Publication December 2011)

“Assessing the Impact and Influence of the High School Doctrinal Framework,” Momentum (September 2010)

 “A National Initiative on Adolescent Catechesis,” Religion Teachers Journal (October 2008)